zaterdag 7 augustus 2010

Listen: New How to Dress Well songs

How to Dress Well's first 7" just came out on Lefse Records, and its a beauty. Like Tom Krell (the man behind HTDW) announced some time ago, he has a lot more stuff coming out. Transparent Records will release his next 7" in just over a week. Ecstasy With Jojo / Take It On is up for pre-order right now at Pure Groove and the two songs can be streamed/downloaded below:

How To Dress Well - Ecstacy With Jojo (Single) by Pure Groove

This all leads up to HTDW's first full length release called Love Remains, coming September 21 also via Lefse. This debut LP will consist of songs Krell has released previously, only in recorded form and properly mixed and mastered. A first album song, You Won't Need Me Where I'm Goin', is up for grabs here as well (via Pitchfork):

MP3: How to Dress Well - You Won't Need Me Where I'm Goin'

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